Bharat Scout and Guides movement functions very successfully here since 2004. And, this is the only school which has been holding the merit of being district first in inter school Scout and Guides activities. Students of Classes VI to X enroll in this movement and learn Indian Nation’s laws, rules, Military activities, Courage, March past, patriotic songs, good behaviours, social service, First Aid, Tent Making, Many handicraft skills, knots making, and so many hobbies and fun games. The cadets of this movement would look like military officers in their tidy uniform. Their physical fitness as well as the mental fitness are improved and tested with number of activities and inter school camps. Their captains are trained well by the Bharat Scout then and there. This movement has got seral tens of Rashtrapthy Puraskar and a few hundreds of Rajyapuraskar Awards from the hands of Hon. President of India and the Governor of Tamil Nadu respectively during the past 16 years.